Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I like green juice and green smoothie

Green vegetables juices are a source of health and youth.
Especially in summer, we have plenty of green vegetables, and you take full advantage of them. We not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also strengthen our immune system. Healthy, strong immune system is able to counteract even the most severe diseases.
Green parsley, green celery, cabbage, various types of lettuce, mint, nettle, dandelion, cucumber, cucurbit, and many other green vegetables are priceless source of vitamins and minerals. We can make juices from them, according to the selection of vegetables which we like. I always add 1 or 1/2 juice of lemon and ripe apple ... proportions ... to taste.
One glass of green vegetable juice per day gives our body also a full energy.

Green vegetables juices contain chlorophyll, enzymes, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium as well as provitamin A, group of vitamin B and vitamin C, E and K.
Chlorophyll is like a magazine of the sun's power and wonderfully clears the body.
Green juices rich in potassium salts improve cardiac function and neutralize acids in the muscles. Also protect the liver and gall bladder against the harmful effects of fats. Chlorophyll cleans the intestine and the blood.
Green vegetables are rich in carotene - protect against cancer like carrots and wheat grass (wheat sprouts)

Sergei Boutenko demonstrates how to make delicious, nutrition green smoothie.

You can read Sergie's story:

