They are all popular over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that can be bought at almost any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription, and which are also dangerous to your health!
All Over-the-Counter drugs carry the risk of hazardous side effects, especially those drugs that fall under any of these categories:
*Painkillers and anti-inflamatories
*Heartburn and indigestion medication
*Cough and cold medication
If you have any of these commonly used “remedies” in your medicine cabinet - Advil, Tylenol, Pepcid, Maalox, Tums, Chlor-Trimeton, among others - then you
are putting yourself at risk for kidney damage, heart attack or stroke, just so you can get short-term relief from temporary pain or the common cold.
Do you find it hard to believe that these popular drugs, which are so accessible even to teenagers, can be so lethal? Let me give you the facts: The government estimates that almost 100 people die every year due to overdose of over-the-counter drugs and around 56,000 others end up in the emergency room due to misuse, including teenagers who use non-prescription medication as recreational drugs.
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